2023, Sep 19

Why you need a VPN at home in 2023

VPN or virtual private network is becoming an indispensable part of any device connected to the Internet, including computers, mobile phones, tablets and many others. However, you may be wondering why using a VPN is still especially important, even in 2023.How VPNs workBefore you sign up for a VPN,
2023, Sep 18

5 popular reasons to use a VPN

1.VPN provides Safety and SecurityThe most important and first reason people choose to use VPN is to ensure data security. A VPN provides an encrypted communication channel for data traveling between your device and the websites you visit. This prevents any opportunity for third parties to track
2023, Sep 13

The importance of VPNs for hybrid workforces

From protecting personal information during private entertainment activities to protecting sensitive business information, virtual private networks (VPNs) play an important role in ensuring data security. In particular, when using a VPN for business purposes, it has the ability to significantly

Privacy News

2023, Sep 12

VPN Security: How Secure Is It and Do You Need One?

How secure is a VPN?Using a reliable virtual private network (VPN) can help you browse the Internet safely and protect your privacy. Security in VPNs has the ability to hide IP addresses and encrypt browsing history, and is becoming increasingly popular in preventing tracking from government
2023, Sep 09

What is phishing and how to prevent phishing attacks?

With billions of fraud cases appearing every day, online fraud has become one of the main methods that bad guys use to attack individuals and organizations.In 2022 alone, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received more than 800,000 complaints related to internet crimes in the United
2023, Aug 30

New threat: AI technology is learning to 'listen' and steal your passwords and data

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and this is also posing serious threats to information security. According to a new study by researchers at Cornell University (USA), hackers can use AI to steal user data with just a single keystroke.Researchers have developed an
2023, Aug 29

Protect your Instagram account yourself: How to recover from an intrusion

Hacking Instagram accounts is a common problem, especially for those with a large number of followers or those with a lot of personal content on their accounts. If you suspect that your Instagram account may have been hacked, there are some common warning signs you can look for.Signs that can tell
2023, Aug 28

Google in the virtual race: Virtual reality dreams shattered?

Google, one of the pioneers in the development of virtual reality (VR) glasses, is facing the challenge of maintaining the dream of virtual worlds when Apple introduces Vision Pro.Back in June, when Apple CEO Tim Cook introduced the Vision Pro glasses with lofty claims like "this new product
2023, Aug 28

Binance Faces Challenge: Visa and Mastercard End Partnership August 28, 2023

In the latest step of the ongoing quarantine, two major players in the global payments industry, Visa and Mastercard, have terminated their partnerships with crypto exchange platform Binance. The move poses significant challenges for Binance users and raises questions about the future of the
2023, Aug 25

Update more servers in Europe

In an effort to improve the user experience and provide customers with more choices, VPN Rice has updated its servers in Europe.VPN Rice added new servers in UK, Spain, Italy These new servers are located in major cities, such as London, Rome and Madrid.Europe is a densely populated region with a

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