2023, Sep 18

Why should you use VPN for business?

Today, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are often associated with commercial consumer services, such as Rice VPN, to allow individuals to avoid censorship, browse privately, and change their location. their geographical location.However, VPNs were originally developed to ensure the security of
2023, Sep 16

What does a VPN protect you from?

A VPN is an essential tool for maintaining your privacy while using the internet. It connects your device to a VPN server run by a VPN provider (such as Rice VPN).These typically operate multiple servers located around the world. The connection between your device and the VPN server is
2023, Sep 15

Types of virtual private network (VPN) protocols:

1.Internet Protocol Security (IPSec): Internet Protocol Security, known as IPSec, is used to secure Internet communications over IP networks. IPSec secures Internet Protocol communications by verifying the session and encrypting each data packet during the connection. IPSec runs in 2 modes: 

Tip & Tricks

2023, Sep 14

Introduction to cybersecurity: Everything you need to know

As the internet economy expands, and products and services move to the web, protecting critical information and data from untrusted entities looking to make a profit is becoming increasingly difficult. should be more important than ever.In this article, we will look at the definition of
2023, Sep 05

Instructions for changing your Google password

Google passwords are the key to your online life. It allows you to access Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos and many other services. You can also use it to sign in to other social network accounts and online services. So it's important to keep your password strong and secure. All this means is
2023, Sep 04

Instructions for viewing and deleting private browsing history

If you're concerned about protecting your privacy, browsing in incognito mode, also called private browsing or private mode, is a good choice. However, sometimes you may want to revisit websites you've visited in incognito mode. Although your browsing activity is not recorded in your
2023, Sep 01


Online data breaches are one of the biggest concerns that haunt people today. It seems that cyber criminals have joined hands towards a single goal of digging deep into the personal information of web surfers, eventually exposing them or hacking into their online wallets. With such a lurking
2023, Sep 01


While high-quality gaming devices can provide a great gaming experience, they are not enough to ensure an uninterrupted online game. Latency, ping, and bandwidth throttling can make your games difficult and unsatisfying.In this post, we'll explore seven reasons why you should use a VPN for
2023, Aug 26

What is GPT Chat? Free GPT Chat Account

Chatbot GPT is an artificial intelligence system developed by OpenAI, specialized in solving questions and handling language-related tasks. Built on top of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) neural network model, this chatbot is capable of predicting and generating answers based on the
2023, Aug 26

Advantages of VPN Protocol IKEv2/IPsec - The Best Choice for Network Security

IKEv2/IPsec establishes the foundation for a secure VPN connection by establishing an authenticated and encrypted connection. It is developed by Microsoft and Cisco to work fast, stable and secure. It performs well on all these fronts, but its stability is where it shines most. As part of the IPSec

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