Does changing passwords often really increase security?
First, we confirm that the advice of security experts about changing passwords periodically is correct. In the course of daily use, we may accidentally reveal the password somewhere, due to visiting bad websites, or carelessly entering the password to let others see. Assuming you do not enable (or the service does not have) the 2-layer security feature, bad guys can log into your account without your knowledge, monitor and take away important information for a long time, until the password is changed. This is also the main reason for the advice to change passwords periodically.
A study conducted by the University of North Carolina in 2010 showed that periodic password changes are not effective in preventing cyberattacks. In the study, researchers collected more than 10,000 passwords from accounts that had been compromised. They found that 60% of these passwords had been changed in the 12 months before being compromised. This suggests that periodically changing passwords does not prevent hackers from accessing the account.
Standards will apply to the majority, but each particular case may no longer be accurate, or at least ineffective. If you already have yourself a strong enough password, turn on 2-layer security, being forced to change it periodically will make us uncomfortable and difficult to remember, especially when there are more and more things to remember, especially if the you do not use a password management application or service. A password is considered strong enough if it is a combination of letters, numbers, special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters and has a length of 12 characters or more.
You will need to change your password, either periodically or as necessary. The times when you need to change is after entering your password (for example, a bank) and you suspect someone around you saw it; or after lending an account (game...); or after the computer is infected with malicious code... it also needs to be changed. Note that the passwords of these cases need to be completely different from the old one, in addition, if the passwords of different accounts have something in common, they should also be changed to be sure.
Hope this article has helped you better understand whether changing your password periodically is really safe or not.